All legal services are provided through the Jain Immigration Law Professional Corporation and the corporation hosts this website,, to provide general information to the public about the legal services the firm provides. Use of this website is subject to the following terms and conditions which may be updated from time-to-time without notice. Your use of the website constitutes your agreement to be bound by these terms.



Website Information not Intended to be Legal Advice

The materials provided on this site constitute general information relating to areas of law familiar to Jain Immigration Law Professional Corporation lawyers. The information on is not intended to provide or replace legal advice. The facts of your case are important and may affect how the law applies. Therefore, general statements of law and comments made in materials on this website or information accessed through links on this website to other legal resources are not a substitute for getting specific legal advice from a lawyer qualified to practice Canadian immigration law.


All legal services are provided through the Jain Immigration Law Professional Corporation and, with respect to, the lawyers employed by the corporation will have no liability for any damage arising from the misuse of any information provided on this website. The information provided on the website is not intended to be legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Doing so without seeking the advice of legal counsel constitutes a misuse of the information. You are cautioned to consult a lawyer before you rely on or use the legal information obtained from any website.

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Unless you have made prior arrangements with us please do not leave voice mails or send email to Jain Immigration Law Professional Corporation through this website that contain specific or confidential information about your legal affairs. Such voice mail and email is not confidential, does not create a solicitor-client relationship and may not receive a response.

No Automatic Solicitor-Client Relationship (our lawyers cannot be retained by email)

Although the use of the website may facilitate communications with the lawyers at Jain Immigration Law Professional Corporation, by e-mail or voicemail, receipt of any such communications or transmissions alone does not create a solicitor-client relationship.  Such a relationship is only created if a lawyer at Jain Immigration Law Professional Corporation expressly agrees to represent you.

If you would like to hire a lawyer at Jain Immigration Law Professional Corporation to help you with a legal matter please contact us by telephone at (416) 840-4170 or send an email to [email protected] to make arrangements to discuss or to correspond about your situation.

Outcomes will Vary According to the Facts

References to successful case results where the lawyers at Jain Immigration Law Professional Corporation have acted for clients are not a guarantee or indicative of future results. The outcome of every legal proceeding or matter will vary according to the facts in each individual case.

Currency and Accuracy of Material Not Guaranteed

Due to ongoing legislative changes and developments in case law, information on this website may be date sensitive. Although the lawyers at Jain Immigration Law Professional Corporation make reasonable efforts to present and maintain current and accurate information on this website, we do not guarantee or warrant its currency, completeness or accuracy, or the currency or accuracy of information contained on sites to which this website links. The website and the materials provided on the website are provided “as is” and “as available” without representations, warranties or conditions of any kind, either expressed or implied.

Copyright and Trade Marks

The copyright in this website and all materials contained in it is owned, or licensed by Jain Immigration Law Professional Corporation. The website, as a whole, or in part, may not be reproduced without the express prior written consent of Jain Immigration Law Professional Corporation. To obtain such consent, please contact:

Jain Immigration Law Professional Corporation
Suite 6060 – 3080 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario, M4N 3N1, Canada
Attention:  Ravi Jain

The website has been designed to be a resource for information on matters that might be of interest to current or potential clients. As a result, there may be links to third party sites. These links are provided for convenience only, and do not mean that the Jain Immigration Law Professional Corporation or the lawyers at Ain Immigration Law Professional Corporation endorse or recommend the information contained in linked websites, or guarantee its accuracy, timeliness or fitness for a particular purpose. The lawyers at Jain Immigration Law Professional Corporation and Jain Immigration Law Professional Corporationtake no responsibility for the content or practices of third party sites.


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We welcome your feedback.  If you have questions or comments about the website, the terms of use for this website or the firm’s privacy policy please contact us at:

Jain Immigration Law Professional Corporation

Suite 6060 – 3080 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario, M4N 3N1, Canada
Attention:  Ravi Jain